Cancellation Policy
It is due to unfortunate late, last-minute cancellations that I have now put a deposit and cancellation policy in place. Deposits are now required as a way to secure booking appointments for all Beauty or massage appointments. Deposits of £5 are a requirement to secure an appointment. It is refundable with 24 hours given. I do completely understand that life brings about with it unexpected changes and we do lead busy lifestyles. These can be seen in unforeseen ways sometimes and I continually, constantly offer accommodating flexibility and availability. I will continue to do so. I offer appointments as early as 630 AM and as late as 830 PM. I hope always to strive to and endevour to meet and fulfil the needs of all my clients beauty needs. I will always continue to take into account, consideration and bear in mind all exceptional situations and circumstances. It is also due to the hope that you and nobody else miss their appointment, that is booked or that somebody else hopes for and needs. There will be another option to pay 20% of the treatment total also.